Class Group

Direct Known Subclasses:
Billboard, Segment, Switch, TouchSensor, Transform

public class Group
extends Node

A Group.

Field Summary
 NodeArrayField children
 Node[] defaultChildArray
 BooleanField hidden
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a default Group
Method Summary
 void addChildren(Node[] nodesToAdd)
          Adds children to this Group Node.
 float[] getCameraBBoxMax(Node[] pathToViewpoint, Node[] pathToGroup)
          Returns the current camera-space bounding box max, as an array of 3 values.
 float[] getCameraBBoxMin(Node[] pathToViewpoint, Node[] pathToGroup)
          Returns the current camera-space bounding box min, as an array of 3 values.
 float[] getInverseMatrix()
          Gets the 4x4 matrix equal to the inverse of this Transform.
 float[] getLocalBBoxMax()
          Returns the current local-space bbox max, and array of 3 values
 float[] getLocalBBoxMin()
          Returns the current local-space bbox min, and array of 3 values
 float[] getMatrix()
          Gets the 4x4 matrix that transforms from local to parent space, based on current field values
 float[] getWorldBBoxMax(Node[] pathToGroup)
          Returns the current world-space bounding box min, as an array of 3 values.
 float[] getWorldBBoxMin(Node[] pathToGroup)
          Returns the current world-space bounding box min, as an array of 3 values.
 void removeChildren(Node[] nodesToRemove)
          Removes children from this Group Node.
Methods inherited from class shout3d.core.Node
cleanUp, getDEFName, getField, getFieldByIndex, getFieldName, getNumFields, getTypeName, getViewer, isOfType, setDEFName, setViewer
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public final Node[] defaultChildArray


public final NodeArrayField children


public final BooleanField hidden
Constructor Detail


public Group()
Constructs a default Group
Method Detail


public float[] getMatrix()
Gets the 4x4 matrix that transforms from local to parent space, based on current field values
the matrix


public float[] getInverseMatrix()
Gets the 4x4 matrix equal to the inverse of this Transform. Transforms from parent to local space, based on current field values.
the inverse matrix


public void addChildren(Node[] nodesToAdd)
Adds children to this Group Node. This method will only add children that are not already children of the Group.
nodesToAdd - the Nodes to be added


public void removeChildren(Node[] nodesToRemove)
Removes children from this Group Node.
nodesToRemove - the Nodes to be removed


public float[] getLocalBBoxMin()
Returns the current local-space bbox min, and array of 3 values


public float[] getLocalBBoxMax()
Returns the current local-space bbox max, and array of 3 values


public float[] getWorldBBoxMin(Node[] pathToGroup)
Returns the current world-space bounding box min, as an array of 3 values. Transforms the local space bbox by the matrix along the given path. The path should be that path from the root of the scene to this group node.
pathToGroup - a path from the root of the scene to this node
the minimum bbox values as an array of 3 values.


public float[] getWorldBBoxMax(Node[] pathToGroup)
Returns the current world-space bounding box min, as an array of 3 values. Transforms the local space bbox by the matrix along the given path. The path should be that path from the root of the scene to this group node.
pathToGroup - a path from the root of the scene to this node
the minimum bbox values as an array of 3 values.


public float[] getCameraBBoxMin(Node[] pathToViewpoint,
                                Node[] pathToGroup)
Returns the current camera-space bounding box min, as an array of 3 values. Transforms the local space bbox by the matrix along the pathToGroup, (from bottom to top), then transforms along pathToCamera (from top to bottom). This has the net effect of transforming the bbox from the space of this node to camera space. The pathToCamera should be the path from the root of the scene to the viewpoint through which the scene is being viewed. The pathToGroup should be the path from the root of the scene to this group node.
pathToViewpoint - a path from the root of the scene to Viewpoint
pathToGroup - a path from the root of the scene to this node
the minimum bbox values as an array of 3 values.


public float[] getCameraBBoxMax(Node[] pathToViewpoint,
                                Node[] pathToGroup)
Returns the current camera-space bounding box max, as an array of 3 values. Transforms the local space bbox by the matrix along the pathToGroup, (from bottom to top), then transforms along pathToCamera (from top to bottom). This has the net effect of transforming the bbox from the space of this node to camera space. The pathToCamera should be the path from the root of the scene to the viewpoint through which the scene is being viewed. The pathToGroup should be the path from the root of the scene to this group node.
pathToViewpoint - a path from the root of the scene to Viewpoint
pathToGroup - a path from the root of the scene to this node
the maximum bbox values as an array of 3 values.